We have an interesting cultural
interpretation of rain. Many movies include rain at the most dramatic moments –
and while the rain can be symbolic of many things, it adds a flair that’s
otherwise missing. It heightens intensity. It dramatizes the most theatrical
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*Swoon* |
Be it
a scene written with drama in mind or an ordinary hike, rain adds excitement. I’ve
always loved playing in the rain, not minding the inconvenience of wet
clothes. From one of my first flag-football games, when the parents retreated
to their cars and the cheerleaders ran squealing to the concessions stand, to
these blog posts appealing to my vanity, I relish the chance for rain to make
me feel cooler (pun intended).
at the forecast of rain a couple of weeks ago, I set out to hike a portion of
Rattlesnake Ridge below Unaka Mountain. Starting from Rock Creek Park in Erwin,
my plan wasn’t as formal as usual – I had several destinations in mind, and the
one I would choose would depend solely on my mood mid-hike. It had been raining
off-and-on for a few days, and I had hopes to visit the waterfalls of Dicks
Creek if the water-level was high enough for decent pictures. Alternatively, I
could hike farther up Rattlesnake Ridge to an off-trail route atop a spur-ridge
– as I had seen on a few maps, the ridge-top had a long, exposed section.
forecast of rain had my blood pumping, and a constant drizzle fell on ym way to
the park. Once I reached the parking area near the trailhead, the rain had
stopped. I was left with the mugginess without the excitement.
hike that day was more tiring than normal – my winter-ready body wasn’t
prepared for the humidity, and each step felt like I was walking through a warm
pool. Though the clouds were calm, my clothes were soaked within half-an-hour
of easy hiking. The trail along the edge of the park’s campground is level, but
once you cross a footbridge and onto Rattlesnake Ridge proper, it becomes more
strenuous. The grade is slight, interspersed with short, steep jaunts, but
humidity strangled my already labored breathing and made things that much more
difficult. Just short of a mile, I stopped for a quick break on a tree that had
fallen across the trail.
As I
sat and caught my breath, I unsheathed my knife and playfully chopped into the
branches of the dead pine. To my delight, the woody flesh within was rich with
resin and had the distinct smell and color of quality fatwood – great tinder
material. Excited, I removed my axe from my pack and replenished my supply. Hey,
you never know.
15 minutes of resting my aching knees and collecting fatwood, I hit the trail
again. The forest was alive with colors and fragrances, amplified by the recent
rains. With the humidity, the moisture soaking my clothes from trailside brush,
and distant birds of all species chirping wildly, it felt like I was traipsing through
a tropical rainforest.
nearly a mile of hiking uphill, I reached Dicks Creek gap and its crossroads of
trails. The road directly in front of me descends down to Dicks Creek, the road
to the left is ominously marked “Dark Hollow”, and the trail to the right is
the continuation of Rattlesnake Ridge trail. On the hike up, I noted that Rock
Creek and the surrounding streams weren’t as voluminous as I had hoped – and so
I concluded a trip to either of the falls on Dicks Creek wouldn’t be worth my
time. Instead, I chose to continue up Rattlesnake Ridge in hopes of reaching the
exposed spur.
Rattlesnake Ridge trail extends all the way to the top of Unaka Mountain, to the Pleasant Garden overlook, and provides a beautiful hike through changing greenery and wild scenery. My hike along the trail only lasted another quarter-mile, at which point I went off trail toward my destination. Within a few feet of hiking off-trail, the brush became nearly impenetrable – a sign of things to come. I blindly pushed and clawed my way up the spur ridge, stopping only at the top.
atop the ridge, I knew I was in the right place. The peak at the top was very
rocky, and occasional crags exposed themselves from the dense underbrush. I
began to move south, down the edge of the ridge toward the exposed section I
had seen on maps. My route took me below the rocks on the eastern side, but the
briars quickly became too thick to overcome. I studied the terrain and decided
to take my chances at the very top of the ridge, hopping from exposed rock to
exposed rock.
plan worked for a long distance – better than I expected, really. But after so
far, the rocks became larger as did the gaps between them, and I not only had
to deal with climbing up and down these outcroppings but through the tangled
messes between them. The briars and heath shrubs tore me (and my clothes) to
shreds. Two weeks later, I still have the cuts.
the blood and frustration, I pressed on, and the exposed sections became larger
and larger, until I reached a seemingly impassible rock buttress. I could see
the largest-yet exposed section beyond it, but this giant rock – with sheer
faces all around and a thicket of briars and trees on top – was quite the
obstacle. My excitement to reach my destination fueled my strength and
ingenuity to do so. I cinched down everything I could and carefully scaled the
side of the rock, clutching the strained branches of a pine tree overhead.
After one last leap to a level rock, I was there. With the tree-tops below me,
I had unimpeded views of the southern portion of the Unaka ridgeline and
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Rattlesnake Ridge |
I had snapped a few pictures and recovered from the shock of the magnificent
views, I became aware of how menacing the clouds all around me had become. I’m
often surprised at how quickly clouds can move, especially in the mountains,
and the erratic movement of the sky that day had me unsettled. I hadn’t felt a
drop of rain since I parked at Rock Creek Park – much to my previous
disappointment – but a few sprinkles fell on my face as I snapped pictures as
quickly as possible. I knew the rain I had been wanting would soon come in
a few cracks of thunder and the wind knocking me off balance on the exposed
precipice, I knew it was time to leave. I stashed my camera deep in my pack,
dug out my pack-cover, and started my way back to where I had left Rattlesnake
Ridge trail. Within a few dozen feet, the sky opened up. In seconds, I was
scrambled through the brush more easily on the return – the driving rain had
tamped the briars and made them slick. It was still rough-going, but at least
the rain quickly washed away the blood. The wind blew the rain in every
direction, and it was difficult to see. I dropped off the top of the ridge, below
the rocks, and moved slowly, keeping my bearings by the rocks.
finally reached the top of the ridge where I had ascended from Rattlesnake
Ridge Trail, and just in time – the rain and wind were at the height of their
ferocity, and I was struggling to breath in the dense rain from my final quick
jaunt to the end of the ridge. I collapsed beneath a rock overhang that
shielded only a portion of the deluge, but it was enough for the respite I needed.
Despite my heart pounding, arms leaking, legs screaming, I smiled at the thought
of how much fun I was having.
As I
gathered myself to descend to the calmer trail below, I noticed a tree that had
fallen long ago adjacent to the rock under which I was licking my wounds.
Beneath the tree, I could see an old National Forest boundary sign mangled
beneath it – knowing this sign had passed its purpose, I removed my axe and
quickly stowed the sign in my pack as a keepsake.
surprised myself by returning to the exact point where I had deviated from the trail
before (I marked it with a blaze) – it’s a shame my memory and sense of direction
doesn’t apply to large parking lots. The hike back down to Dicks Creek Gap and
Rock Creek Park was uneventful; the rain slowed with each step I hiked down the ridge, and by the time I returned to the trail beside the campground, it
appeared as if the park itself hadn’t seen a drop of rain. As I slogged toward my 4Runner, I passed a few
campground hikers who seemed shocked at my appearance – I imagine I looked
almost as rough as the terrain that had just man-handled me. Soaked, torn clothes
hanging from my limbs, clinging to my core; blood seeping from my arms; my
hair, long overdue for a trim, matted and wild; body aching, yet smile beaming.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
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